data services

Top of the line data security and reliable technical support

Firemné dátové služby

Business data services

L2 Circuit

The L2 Circuit service is a standard data service for connecting two or more customer sites. The service offers excellent reliability with a high level of security and availability (SLA). The L2 Circuit data service is provided in “point-to-point” or “point-to-multipoint” mode with a required capacity of up to 1 Gbps, with emphasis on synchronization and low latency. The service does not allow creation of VLANs and provides a limited transparency for L2 protocols. Unsupported protocols: STP, LLDP and LACP.

L2 Transparent Circuit

The L2 Transparent Circuit service is a data service for transparent connections of two or more customer sites with a required transfer capacity of up to 1 Gbps. The service allows creation of virtual networks (VLANs). By configuring multiple VLAN identifiers (CE-VLAN IDs), virtual connections for different services or applications can be defined. The L2 Transparent Circuit data service is provided in “point-to-point” or “point-to-multipoint” mode. Supported protocols: CDP, STP, VTP and LLDP.


IP VPN is a private telecommunications network designed primarily for companies with multiple branches. Data transfer and corporate communication is carried out on public infrastructure using standard protocols. IP VPN is built in the VNET core network based on IP MPLS technology, which ensures high network and data transfer security with a strong emphasis on service availability.

Wholesale data services

Services for telecommunications operators and ISP.

Lambda λ

The Lambda service provides a high-speed dedicated connection between two locations by renting wavelength (lambda) in fibre optics provided on DWDM technology. The service is designed primarily for transporting high volumes of low-latency data traffic. Supported interfaces: LC/PC, SC/PC, E2000/APC.

Dark fiber

Dark fibre is an unlit optical fibre rental service for connecting two locations. The service is designed for operators (expanding the backbone network) and high-level clients who want maximum control and flexibility over their own network. Rental of non-activated fibres in our network gives you complete freedom to choose the technologies and equipment you want to use.

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Glossary of terms

An L2 circuit is a technology that enables direct connectivity between two or more locations over a Layer 2 (data link layer) network. It transmits data without the need for routing at the IP protocol level (Layer 3), allowing for faster and simpler communication between a company's branches. L2 circuits are often used to connect data centers or to create private networks between locations with high bandwidth requirements. The advantage is that the company has complete control over the network infrastructure and can use its own VLANs (virtual networks).

An L2 transparent circuit is a special type of L2 circuit that provides connectivity between locations without any significant alteration or modification of the transmitted data. This means that network packets are transmitted between locations in their original format without any intervention from the service provider. For the company, this means that it can create a network architecture as if all locations were on the same LAN (local area network), providing maximum flexibility and easy network management.

In the context of optical networks, a lambda refers to the wavelength of light used for data transmission in optical fiber. Modern optical networks utilize WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology, which allows multiple different wavelengths (lambdas) to be transmitted over a single optical fiber simultaneously. Each lambda represents a separate channel for data transmission, significantly increasing the capacity of the optical connection. In practice, this means that a company can transmit vast amounts of data over a single optical fiber, making it ideal for organizations that require very high bandwidth, such as cloud service providers.

Dark fiber refers to optical fibers that have already been laid as part of the infrastructure but are currently unused. When a company or service provider gains access to dark fiber, they can light (activate) the fiber themselves and use it for data transmission according to their needs. The advantage of dark fiber is that it allows companies to have complete control over the capacity and configuration of the connection, providing maximum flexibility, high speed, and reliability. This technology is ideal for companies that require large transmission capacities, such as data centers or internet service providers.


Mgr. Vladimír Kupčo

Ako udržať prevádzku firmy počas pandémie

Najcennejším zdrojom potrebným pre udržanie prevádzky firmy počas pandémie sú ľudia. Okrem toho, že sú najťažšie nahraditeľní, sú aj najzraniteľnejší. Ako môžeme zabezpečiť nepretržitú prevádzku firmy a pritom čo najlepšie ochrániť našich kolegov?

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Vladimír Stopka

Ako si poradiť s DDoS útokmi

Už v minulosti sme sa v blogoch viackrát venovali téme DDoS útokov, tak prečo to omieľame stále dookola? Pretože ubrániť sa DDoS útoku stále nie je vôbec jednoduché a ako stúpa sofistikovanosť útokov, spolu s tým sú potrebné stále nové a nové riešenia.

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Lukáš Kleščinec

IPv6 seriál: adresácia

Neviem ako si na svoj prvýkrát spomínate vy, ale keď som sa ja pozrel prvýkrát na IPv6 adresu, zostal som celkom zhrozený a v obavách. Adresy zrazu obsahovali písmená a boli podstatne dlhšie. Pomyslel som si, že robiť nejaký subnetting bez chyby, nemýliť sa v zápisoch a podobne, je nemožné.

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